Understand the “Systems Thinking”

An increasing number of disciplines are now embracing the scientific paradigm of “synthesis,” which is different and complementary to the more traditional paradigm of “analysis.”

In general, Systems Thinking, particularly Systems Engineering, is based on this paradigm. It is also the approach adopted by PYLIA for its Enterprise Architecture or Systems of Systems missions, leveraging the power of this paradigm.

We believe that traditional methods of Enterprise Architecture, focused on “information Systems” such as TOGAF, do not fully leverage the capabilities of this paradigm. For instance, if a company aims to optimize its production capacity, it must design its operations by adopting a systemic approach that considers all its resources: human, financial, natural, material, and informational. It is through effective interactions among these resources that the desired outcomes are achieved.

The debate is open, and we would be delighted to engage in discussions on this topic.

To understand this “synthesis” paradigm and “Systems Thinking” we recommend the following series of videos: